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Long Slow Second Look Page 5

  He nodded and slipped his arms around me. "Yes."

  "I suppose you know that admission makes me want to flirt with you."

  He bent his head until I felt his breath against my ear. "Who’s stopping you?"

  I loved leaning against his big, masculine body while his cologne intoxicated my senses. "I don’t usually flirt with my friends."

  "Neither do I." He slid his palms down from my waist to cup my ass. "Thankfully, we can rewrite the rules to suit ourselves."

  Although there was a thong, a half-slip, and a skirt between his hand and my skin, I felt almost as if he was touching my bare ass. I moistened my lips and lifted my head to meet his gaze. "Are we talking renegotiation again?"

  "You make that sound like a bad thing."

  Even though I'd had a few very casual relationships in my mid-twenties that were little more than one-night stands, at thirty-two, it was time to think more long term. "Given your views of the women you sleep with, how can it be anything else? I'm not interested in being anyone's easy lay."

  He massaged my rear. "You can change my point of view."

  "Why would I want to make the effort?"

  He dragged his tongue along the column of my neck sending a thrill through me. "Because I can make it a very pleasurable experience for us both."

  I wanted to tell myself that his overconfidence annoyed me but the truth was it turned me on. There are few things sexier than a handsome man confident in his ability to rock a woman's world.

  "There weren't going to be any benefits attached to our friendship," I reminded him.

  "Exploring the vast area between friendship and easy lying could be fun."

  "Games are for boys, not men. And we've both already agreed that you're a man. Remember?"

  He pressed a kiss against my neck and squeezed my ass before pulling me close to his groin. "An intriguing woman recently convinced me that games can spice up a relationship and with the right person they can be fun."

  "For boys, not men," I insisted while trying to overcome the urge to rub myself shamelessly against him. "And the fact that you're a man is already well established." The kind that made a woman glad to have a tight, wet passage to welcome his cock.

  "Don't quibble with me, Amber."

  He said that as if he were used to having his way with women, which he probably was. Judging by how expensive his clothes looked and his condo, he must be very successful at whatever he did. A sexy man who had more than two quarters in his pocket was an exciting prospect. Of course, he'd be just as interesting if he lived in an efficiency apartment. And like countless women before me, I was eager to surrender to him.

  When I didn't respond, he caressed my face.

  I turned my head and touched my lips to his hand.

  John turned me until I found myself between the door and his body.

  "What are you doing?"

  He trailed his fingers down from my neck to touch my breasts. "Thoughts of you kept me awake for most of the night."

  "Really? What were you thinking?"

  "I thought of your breasts…your ass…your mouth."

  "What about my sparkling conversation?"

  "I told you what kept me awake last night and it wasn't your conversation."

  I smiled, pleased. "And do the body parts of prospective friends usually keep you awake at night?"

  His lips twitched. "No."

  I moistened my lips and met his dark gaze. "You were going to introduce me to some of your single friends."

  He bent his head and paused with his lips a breath away from mine. "They’re all grown men. They can find their own damn friends. You’re mine."

  "I'm not sure about that," I said. I know I sounded uncertain but he was so confident that I felt I had to offer at least a measure of resistance.

  "I am."

  Before I could decide if I wanted to respond, he pressed his lips against mine with an insistence that quickly sent what felt like a surge of heat sizzling through me. I parted my lips and welcomed his tongue into my mouth as I felt his hands sliding around my body, and up my skirt and under my slip to cup my nearly bare ass cheeks.

  I pulled my lips from his. "Hey. Watch where you're putting your big paws."

  "Why should I? This round beautiful ass is mine. Remember? I can touch it as often as I like." Without waiting for a response from me, he settled his mouth over mine again.

  I trembled and sucked his tongue into my mouth as he caressed my cheeks before palming my bare ass. He pulled me closer and deepened his kisses while keeping my lower body pressed against his groin.

  It had been so long since I’d been intimate with a man that I had to struggle to retain a measure of commonsense. No matter how much I wanted it, allowing him to go much further was out of the question.

  When I felt his fingers sliding around my body from my ass, I tore my mouth away from his and gripped the wrist of the hand on a quest to touch my pussy. "Johnny…Johnny…"

  "Yes sweet?"


  "No? You sure?" he asked, his voice brusque.

  I wasn't but I nodded anyway. "Yes."

  "You don't sound sure."

  "I am," I insisted.

  He exhaled before slipping both hands from my thong and turning to lean against the door beside me.

  I straightened my clothes with trembling hands and waited for him to speak.

  "What are your plans for the rest of the day?"

  I’m not sure what I’d been expecting but it wasn’t that. "I might have plans for this afternoon and evening."

  He moved away from the door and stood in front of me. "Let’s spend the day together."

  "That’s a tempting offer, but—"

  He caressed my cheek. "Then surrender to temptation."

  I'd never wanted to hop into bed with a man more. "How long has it been?"

  "How long has what been?" He trailed his fingers down to the side of my neck.

  "Since you’ve been with one of your…easy lays?"

  "Why do you ask?"

  I caught his hand and held it in mine before he continued the downward trajectory toward my breasts. "Because you seem a little on the horny side."

  He laughed and drew his hand from mine. "We could kill a few hours after breakfast before having lunch. Then we could kill another hour or two before we stop by my brother's place for a drink before we have dinner out. Then we could spend the rest of the evening doing whatever you like."

  That would be tumbling naked into bed and having sex until we were exhausted. "Thanks, but I’m only prepared to commit to breakfast."

  "Why? Expecting him to call?"

  He sounded annoyed, which turned me on because it probably meant he was jealous.

  I shrugged. "He said he might."

  "And you’re content to sit and wait for a call that may or may not come?"

  He made me sound desperate and I wasn’t. Yes, I’d been after Deandre for a year. And yes I'd been celibate for over a year but I had dated. Neither of the two men I'd seen casually during the last year had been able to tempt me into bed.

  "Why sit waiting for him when you can spend the day with me?"

  "You think rather a lot of yourself. Don't you?"

  "As a matter of fact I do. Is that going to be a problem for you?"

  I liked my men tall, handsome, and self-assured. "You never answered my question about when you'd had your last easy lay."

  "And I'm not going to unless you're prepared to discuss when you last slept with a man," he said. "Are you?"

  I shook my head. "But I think I have a right to know so I'll know how hard you're going to push."

  "I'm going to push as hard as I need to in order to get what I want."

  "And what is that?"

  He offered me his arm. "We can decide how much detail we want to share of our individual intimate lives over breakfast."

  "It's just breakfast," I said. "Nothing else."

  He bent his head to pepper my mouth with kisses befor
e he responded. "We'll see."

  I slipped my arm through his. When he pressed a long, moist kiss against my ear, I knew he was going to test and push my boundaries to the limit. I went with him anyway.

  * * *


  Against my better judgment, after a breakfast I could barely remember, I went up to John's condo with him.

  The moment the door closed, I found myself pressed against the adjacent wall and held there by the weight of his body as he slipped his hands up my dress to cup my ass. "You're wearing too many clothes, sweet."

  Although I hardily agreed, I decided a token protest might be in order before complete surrender. "John?"

  "We can talk later," he said.

  I pressed against his shoulders. "John—"

  "Later," he whispered and kissed me breathless while grinding his groin against me.

  Oh hell. I was so aroused I could barely marshall the energy or will to push against his shoulders one last time. "Johnny…no."

  He trailed his mouth from mine to my ear. "Don't say no. I want to take you to bed," he whispered.

  Every nerve ending in my body screamed out, Yes! I ignored them and pushed him away. "It's a good thing you're not a boy who can't take no for an answer," I laughed in an effort to relieve some of the sexual tension threatening to explode between us.

  He narrowed his dark, sexy gaze but remained silent.

  There was no doubt he was pissed.

  I turned away.

  He caught my hand and turned me back to face him. "I'm serious. I want to sleep with you."

  And Lord knew I wanted to sleep with him. "I know you do, but you know I have hopes for a relationship with Deandre."

  He nodded. "I know."

  I stared at him. So what? I was supposed to hop into bed with him and ruin my chances with Deandre? "I've already told you I'm not interested in a one-night stand with you."

  "What the hell makes you think I only want one night with you?"

  While my desire warred with what little remained of my commonsense, my phone rang. Deandre's ring. I froze and then turned away, looking around for my shoulder bag.

  John caught my hand before I could bend down to pick it up from the floor near my feet. "Don't answer it," he said.

  "It's him."

  "I know who it is. Don't answer it."

  I met his gaze and was lost in the desire I saw there. We stared at each other in silence until the phone stopped ringing.

  I sucked in a breath, bothered by how easily I'd allowed desire for him to deflect me from my goal. "So what now, Johnny? I'm just supposed to pull up my dress and drop my thong for you?"

  He caressed my cheek. "Oh, no. You don't have to move a muscle. I'll be more than happy to push up your dress and remove your thong and slip for you."

  The depth of my desire for him stunned and shook me. Yes I was horny and yes I'd been too long without a man in my bed, but this level of sexual need was new and a little scary.

  He slid his other hand down my body and under my dress.

  I tensed but made no move to stop him.

  Pushing my thong aside, he palmed my pussy.

  Oh…God. Just feeling his hand between my legs sent a powerful rush of need through me.

  His thumb rubbed against my clit before gently stroking my slit.

  I caught my bottom lip between my teeth. There was no way we weren't going to have sex. Hell. I wanted him to fuck me.

  He bent his head to kiss my neck below my ear. "You're so wet."

  I wiggled my hips. "You made me that way, Johnny mine."

  "I'm very glad to hear that."

  I felt one of his fingers slip between my slit and shuddered. "And what do I get out of this deal?"

  He removed his hand from my thong to slide his zipper down.

  My stomach muscles tightened. Without looking down, I knew he was taking his cock out.

  Locking his gaze with mine, he guided my hand down to his groin. "You mean besides my big cock?"

  Damn. It was big and erect. It didn't seem to take much to rev him up to full capacity. I couldn't resist the urge to close my fingers around the thick length in my hand. Lord that was nice. "Yes," I whispered. "Besides this."

  "What else do you want? Name it." Holding my dress and slip above my hips, he rubbed his shaft against my hand.

  "I have expensive tastes," I warned in a tone that even I barely heard and tightened my fingers around his cock.

  "That's not going to be a problem because I have a lot of money. I'll give you anything you want."

  The only thing I wanted at that moment was him inside me. Once I admitted that, there was no point pretending otherwise. "I want you, Johnny mine," I admitted.

  He bent his head and pressed his mouth against my neck. "How?"

  I rubbed his cock head along my slit. "On top of me…between my legs…inside me…deep inside me."

  "Far be it from me to deny you anything." He inhaled quickly and pushed my hand away from his cock. Then he drove his hips forward.

  Feeling his naked shaft head pressing against my slit, demanding entrance into my pussy shocked me back to my senses.

  No matter how filled with desire I was, I did not do unsafe sex. I reached down between our bodies to push against his abs. "John!"

  "I want you…hell, I feel like I need you." He reached down to capture both my hands in his, held them against his chest and pushed his hips forward.

  One second his shaft pressed against my slit, the next he rotated his hips and drove his cock deep up into my pussy with one swift motion.

  Oh…my…god! Finding his big, hard, thick cock in complete possession of my pussy, I stared up at him in a stunned silence with my lips parted and my eyes wide. Make him pull out. You have to make him pull out.

  He's a shameless, horny bastard. He took full advantage of my shock to cup his hands over my ass, press his lips against mine, and slide his big, delicious silken cock in and out of me with smooth, fluid motions that quickly sent waves of pleasure crashing all over me.

  I struggled to drag my wanton senses back to the reality that he was fucking me raw. "John…John, what are you doing?" I moaned against his lips.

  While still sliding in and out of me with deep, hard thrusts that I felt radiating all through me, he kissed a path to my neck below my ear. "If you can't tell, I'm doing it all wrong, sweet," he whispered.

  He definitely wasn't doing it wrong.

  He lifted my right leg and pushed in deeper.

  Damn that felt good. He clearly wasn't going to stop and the insane part of me that had flirted with him so shamelessly within minutes of meeting him, didn't want him to. My contraceptive measures were up to date so I decided to just go with the flow and enjoy having my pussy full of delicious dick after so many long months of abstinence.

  I'd deal with the consequences later because at that moment, he had the right angle of penetration and was hitting my hot spot again and again. Lost to all commonsense with my pussy on sensory overload, I moaned, clutched him close, and drenched his bad boy cock with my pussy cream.

  Dragging his mouth from mine, he sucked on the side of my neck and fucked me so hard my thighs and ass shook like jelly.

  I clung to him feeling weak and emotionally needier than I'd ever felt before. "Johnny…oh, Johnny mine."

  "I am yours," he whispered seconds before he thrust in hard three or four more times before he groaned, shuddered, and I knew he was coming inside me.

  Push him away. Insist he pull out! Ignoring the voice of reason, I tightened myself around him and clutched him close, eager to have him deposit every drop of his cum in me.

  When he stopped coming, he lowered my leg to the floor, and slumped forward with his face against my neck.

  I smiled and stroked my hands down his back to his tight ass.

  For several moments he was silent and still. Then he said one word that sent a chill through me.


  It sounded more like shit-I-can't-b
elieve-what-I-just-did than it did like shit-that-was-a- good-fuck.

  I'd expected to regret this in the morning. Clearly he regretted it now. The devastation I felt at that certainty stunned me. I didn't know what to say or do so I closed my eyes and waited.

  John blew out a breath and eased out of me, allowing my dress and slip to fall back into place. He leaned against the wall beside me. "Shit! I can not believe what I just did."

  His obvious regret felt like a knife wound in my chest. I know it was crazy but I wanted to cry. I'd wrecked my chances with Deandre for a drive-by fuck with a man who was sorry the moment he stopped coming. "Neither can I."

  I half expected him to try to make me shoulder the blame by pointing out that I'd never once explicitly asked him to stop. But he spared me that indignity. He said nothing.

  Perversely his silence made me even more uncomfortable and aware of how irresponsible accompanying him to his condo had been when I'd known what he wanted. Now he was probably wondering how quickly he could get rid of me.

  I decided to save him the trouble. I pushed myself away from the door. "I'll go down into the lobby and call a cab."

  He caught my hand and turned me back to face him. "No you won't."

  I pulled my hand from his and looked at his chin instead of in his eyes. After what I'd just allowed him to do, I was afraid what I might see in his expression. "This is very awkward."

  He nodded. "I know. What do you want to do about it?"

  What I wanted was for him to take me in his arms and tell me he didn't consider me an easy lay. "I want to go home…and forget we ever met."

  He took my hand in his and turned me into his embrace. He brushed his lips against my cheek. "I know I just royally screwed up, but don't say that."

  I closed my eyes and burrowed against him. You're a big girl. You knew he wanted to fuck you and you put yourself in a position for that to happen. There's no use weeping. Pull up your big girl thong and deal with it without dissolving into tears like some silly heroine in a romance novel.

  Almost as if he knew how I felt, he whispered to me. "I know it's a lame ass thing to say after the fact, but I am so sorry for my complete lack of self-control and the untenable position it's put you in."